Monday, August 12, 2013

For a better future...

People move on...
The continuous presence of their being leaves behind a gaping hole of nostalgia when they leave.
So many things they become, a friend, sometimes even the best friend.
But sometimes, career gets in the way...
The separation is an inevitability but with the consolation of a passionate future.
Friends come and go but friendship remains, through a thousand miles, through a million.
And soon the gaping hole is replaced but the footprints remain and in moments of aloneness, that is all that sustains...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mistakes... a shot at life!

One mistake in life has the capability of dropping us by a thousand miles of where we wanted to stand. It might be a wrong question, the untimely realization that we haven't worked as hard as we ought to, the sudden inspiration that life is more than success.
One mistake.
And for the rest of eternity the same regrets. What if...
What if we had studied harder. What if we had laughed a little. What if we had decided what we wanted to do a little earlier. What if...
And then the reality sets in. Here we are, at a junction where we have lost what we wanted, lost what we deserved, lost what was so easy to gain. And now, it's too late.
Life is full of regrets. Full of situations where life pushes us deeper while we are already on the ground, situations that so much make the internal factors that they don't become a good enough excuse for our failures.
And in the end, just one doomed consolation. 'To err is human'...
Let's tear down that hording of mistakes.
Let's jump into the arena of the unknowns, the blast of what we never did before.
Let us for once, be ourselves and not the NGO pages of do's and don'ts.
Let us follow to where our heart takes us.
Let us follow our animal instincts!
Let's follow our dreams, our words, our passions...
Let us be who we dreamt to be!
Let us stop being part of the crowd! Let us be leaders we were meant to be!
What we lost, we can still gain...
Here we are, in a new life...
IITs are gone, NITs were taken away.
Let us make Our College the new IIT!
We have a shot to build our Indraprastha, so let's do it!
Let us live!