Monday, August 12, 2013

For a better future...

People move on...
The continuous presence of their being leaves behind a gaping hole of nostalgia when they leave.
So many things they become, a friend, sometimes even the best friend.
But sometimes, career gets in the way...
The separation is an inevitability but with the consolation of a passionate future.
Friends come and go but friendship remains, through a thousand miles, through a million.
And soon the gaping hole is replaced but the footprints remain and in moments of aloneness, that is all that sustains...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mistakes... a shot at life!

One mistake in life has the capability of dropping us by a thousand miles of where we wanted to stand. It might be a wrong question, the untimely realization that we haven't worked as hard as we ought to, the sudden inspiration that life is more than success.
One mistake.
And for the rest of eternity the same regrets. What if...
What if we had studied harder. What if we had laughed a little. What if we had decided what we wanted to do a little earlier. What if...
And then the reality sets in. Here we are, at a junction where we have lost what we wanted, lost what we deserved, lost what was so easy to gain. And now, it's too late.
Life is full of regrets. Full of situations where life pushes us deeper while we are already on the ground, situations that so much make the internal factors that they don't become a good enough excuse for our failures.
And in the end, just one doomed consolation. 'To err is human'...
Let's tear down that hording of mistakes.
Let's jump into the arena of the unknowns, the blast of what we never did before.
Let us for once, be ourselves and not the NGO pages of do's and don'ts.
Let us follow to where our heart takes us.
Let us follow our animal instincts!
Let's follow our dreams, our words, our passions...
Let us be who we dreamt to be!
Let us stop being part of the crowd! Let us be leaders we were meant to be!
What we lost, we can still gain...
Here we are, in a new life...
IITs are gone, NITs were taken away.
Let us make Our College the new IIT!
We have a shot to build our Indraprastha, so let's do it!
Let us live!

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Non-IITians!

Intelligence today is judged by the institute one studies in. Maybe it is.
Maybe not...
What is intelligence?
Studying consistently for two years, maybe four, for something our parents told us to do, at a fixed pattern that our teachers told us about, cursing the physics textbook at every second of every day, focusing on something we are not even sure we want to do?
That's discipline.
Then what is intelligence?
I am not an IITian and so aren't the 1500 people studying with me.
We will never have that name of IIT with us on our resume and many times we will feel inferior and practically stupid when someone comes and says 'Hi I'm from IIT and you?'
At that moment the fact that we belong to a different college that ranks third in the country's petroleum universities will disappear of our minds.
No we are not IITians and like every consoling psychologist I am not going to 'We are not IITians but we are good humans' for like every other kid who has suffered in this world, I know being a good human being is not the brightest highlight in a CV.
So I'm just gonna go with this...
We are not IITians but we will be the engineers who did not take up engineering because our parents wanted us to.
We are not IITians but unlike the IITians, we are engineers...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 1

Classes begin tomorrow.
My official first day in college after a week of Personality Development classes.
Just arrived to Dehradun after a weekend at home. Really miss Chandigarh.
But I'd be lying if I said I'm not excited. It's not everyday you are a collegiate.
I am still having trouble adjusting to the fact this college was not my first preference but as they say, life moves on and you better move with it...
Let's see what the day brings...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Beginning

It’s a common feature when we find ourselves starting a new life.
A new life almost always without fail is proof of the fact that something happened in our lives that we never wanted should have happened. Either we are running away from bad memories or compromising on something we have no control on anymore.
But in any case, the best thing or rather the only thing we need to remember… ‘it’s a new start’.
And it is.
Not in a life where I belong. Not a life I had hoped for. Not a life I’ll be perfectly happy in. But a life whatsoever.
I’m Jahnavi Vibha and I am on my way to college. Admittedly it’s not the college I wanted or the college I wanted in the second, third, fourth and so forth order. But it’s a respectable college and in its defense a different college. Not the traditional know-how, just different.
But I had a rule in life. If you can’t get the best, go for different.
And here I am. Different.